
Chem 122 General

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Saved by Brent Jewett
on March 18, 2020 at 3:44:24 pm




This message is in response to questions you (and your parents) may have about the closure of school due to the global COVID-19 outbreak. 


The number one question I have been receiving via e-mail is "what can I do at home while school is closed? Is there work we can do?"... 


In a directive we as teachers received from the ASD-W Superintendent, Mr.David McTimoney, I quote: "Until further notice, student work, lessons are not to be assigned".


As such, here are my recommendations for the foreseeable future:


1. If possible, complete all work up until March 13. By this, I am referring to the Ch.17 Test B Review Assignment and, for a handful of others, the Hess' Law Lab report. If you wish, you can take pics of your completed work & send it to me at brent.jewett@nbed.nb.ca and I will grade it for you during the school closure period. 


2. Spend time exploring the subject of chemistry. Your textbook is a great resource as are the powerpoints posted on this page (see "Notes & Guided Readings" tab below). To help guide you along, I have posted any powerpoints relevant to our curriculum up until the end of the semester. We are currently about to start Chapter 18 on Chemical Kinetics & Equilibrium. However, do not limit yourself to only what is here - this is a great opportunity to explore the world of chemistry on your own. Feel free to explore videos and lessons on any topics that are of interest to you. For example, the Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org) has some excellent lessons posted on topics relevant to our curriculum. The more you explore, the better!


3. Wait for further directions via Remind app (or continue to visit this space periodically). Things are evolving rapidly, so please continue to stay tuned. I will send out a Remind text should any directives change in the coming days. In the meantime, remember to listen to the medical experts, stay safe, and stay positive!






Course Outline



Safety Unit



Notes and Guided Readings



Exam Information


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