The government announced today that New Brunswick schools are closed for the duration of the school year. I, like you, are extremely disappointed in this news, but I think we can all agree that these unprecidented times call for unprecidented measures, both for the safety of ourselves and of our greater community. I know how difficult this is for you as Grade 12 students - this is obviously not how you envisioned your graduation year. What I can say is that we, as your teachers, are here to support you in any way we can. Yes, our main role is to educate you, but we are aware this is a unique situation and please don't be afraid to reach out for help or support. I can always be reached at brent.jewett@nbed.nb.ca. Thanks to those who have already touched base - I look forward to hearning from others as well. : )
It was also announced today that "online learning opportunities" will continue in all high school courses involving languages, math, science/technology & history/social studies; for grade 12 students, this is recommended to be at least 2.5 hrs/day (or 12.5 hrs/week). As your chemistry teacher, my job over the next three months will be to direct you to specific online resources for Chemistry 12, provide assistance as necessary and check in regularly with you in terms of your progress. Please note: I will continue to use the Remind App (text) to initiate contact - however, if e-mail is your preferred method of communication, please let me know and I can set you up for e-mail notifications instead. Specific details on what we be assigned will follow in the coming days.
Finally, I hope everyone has had a chance to see the video we, the teachers of LHHS, sent out to you this week. The reality is we love what we do and we truly miss seeing you in our classes everyday. Please continue to practice frequent hand washing and social distancing so this pandemic can come to an end as soon as possible. Remember to stay safe and please check your phones for the next update from me via Remind. Here is the link to the video - stay strong Lions!
Mr. Jewett
Hi everyone. Today marked the end of our second week of school closure and I'm sure you are all wondering where this all headed as we turn the page into April. I wish I had a crystal ball to give you specific answers, but I, like you, am awaiting word from our leadership to see what our next steps will be in terms of your final year in public education. Until then, please take care of yourselves both physically and mentally - we will need you at your best when things pick up again - and they will. Remember, we are all in this together and we as teachers will be here to support you through these uncertain times. As such, if you want to drop me a line (even just to share your thoughts and/or tell me what you've been doing to occupy yourself these days) you can reach me at brent.jewett@nbed.nb.ca - I would love to hear from you. : )
Finally, a special event occurred this week that exemplifies the perserverence of the students of LHHS. Some of you (and your peers) involved in the Production "9 to 5" have spent countless hours each and every Saturday since September preparing for the live performances at the Playhouse that were to have begun this week, only to find out the shows have been cancelled due to COVID-19. Instead of letting this news be the disappointing end of the story, here's what some you and your peers did in response:
Let this be a reminder that even in our most uncertain times, a positive attitude will always prevail! Take care Lions - I will be in touch soon.
Mr. Jewett
This message is in response to questions you (and your parents) may have about the closure of school due to the global COVID-19 outbreak.
The number one question I have been receiving via e-mail is "what can I do at home while school is closed? Is there work we can do?"...
In a directive we as teachers received from the ASD-W Superintendent, Mr.David McTimoney, I quote: "Until further notice, student work, lessons are not to be assigned".
As such, here are my recommendations for the foreseeable future:
1. If possible, try to complete all work up until March 13. For most people, I am referring to the Ch.17 Test B Review Assignment and, for a handful of others, the Hess' Law Lab report. If you wish to have this assessed during the school closure period, you can take pics of your completed work & send it to me at brent.jewett@nbed.nb.ca.
2. Feel free to explore the subject of chemistry! Your textbook is a great resource as are the powerpoints posted on this page (see "Notes & Guided Readings" tab below). To help guide you along, I have posted any powerpoints relevant to our curriculum up until the end of the course. We were currently about to start Chapter 18 on Chemical Kinetics & Equilibrium. However, do not limit yourself to only what is here - this is a great opportunity to explore the world of chemistry on your own. Feel free to explore videos and lessons on any topics that are of interest to you. For example, the Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org) has some excellent lessons posted on topics relevant to our curriculum. The more you explore, the better!
3. Wait for further directions from our Superintendent, Mr. David McTimoney. Things are evolving rapidly, so please continue to stay tuned. In the meantime, remember to listen to the medical experts, stay safe, and stay positive!
Course Outline
Safety Unit
Notes and Guided Readings
Exam Information
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