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1. How much is the final exam worth?
The final exam in Chemistry 122 is worth 30% of your final mark in the course.
2. How many marks are on the exam and how are they distributed?
The exam has a total of 160 marks distributed as follows:
Matching - 10 marks
Multiple Choice - 38 marks
Numeric Response (Calculations) - 74 marks
Written Response (Short Answer) - 38 marks
3. What sections are covered on the exam?
Ch.17 (Sec.1-4)
Ch.18 (Sec.1-3)
Ch.19 (Sec.1-4)
Ch.22 (Sec.1-4)
Ch.23 (Sec.1*) * recognizing functional groups only
4. What is the best way to review for the exam?
Exam review packets were handed out earlier in the semester. Practice Tests (Chapter Test "B") were provided for each Unit. Also included were a set of Additional Problems considered very important for the exam.
In addition, you may find redoing any returned assignments/worksheets/labs/handouts from your semester work will help with you preparation too.
The following review questions from the Chapter B Tests may be omitted for Chem 122 students:
Chapter 18 Test B: 2(g),6(c),8(e), 20,21,22
Chapter 22 Test B: 2(i), 24,26,28,36,44.
5. What should I bring to the exam?
Make sure you have at least 2-3 pencils and an eraser. Pen is not recommended as it is both time-consuming and more difficult to erase. Bring a calculator - YOUR calculator! While I have a few spares, I cannot show you how to use one during an exam. Bring your textbook - make sure all tabs, inserts, etc. are removed as this will make the returning process much easier for you before the exam. An unreturned textbook will cost $100 to replace and all final marks will be withheld. Finally, return your periodic table - you will need to use it for the exam anyway - there is a $1 replacement fee to recover the double-sided colour photocopying costs to produce a new one for another student if yours has gone missing.
NOTE: The use of a Smartphone (or any other type of Personal Electronic Device) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED during the exam. Any student attempting to access a PED during an exam will have the PED confiscated and be sent directly to the office. This will result in a final mark of ZERO on the exam.
6. Are mathematical equations provided on the exam?
Some. A detailed formula sheet was provided in class to help summarize the mathematical equations and other pertinent information used in this course - not all are provided so please make note of which formulae you are responsible for. You can use it as a study tool, but it cannot be used when writing the final exam.
7. When can I leave the exam?
The exam is designed to be finished in 1.5 hr (90 minutes). The exam starts promptly at 8:45 am (1:00 pm for afternoon exams). The earliest you are permitted to leave is 10:15 am (2:30 pm for afternoon exams), subject to teacher discretion. To allow for universal accommodations, the exam can be extended to 3 hours (180 minutes). At 11:45 am (or 4:00 pm for an afternoon start), the exam is considered over and all materials must be gathered and handed to the teacher. I have a brief, but formal checkout process that each student must go through before leaving the exam room. This is to ensure all items have been returned and all sheets filled out properly. Once you have left the room, all work submitted is final.
Hopefully this was of some help. Study hard, take breaks, and best of luck everyone!
Mr. Jewett
Exam Review Answers:
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