1. How much is the final exam worth?
The final exam in Science 10 is worth 25% of your final mark in the course. It is a 90 min exam which can be extended to a maximum of 120 min* (see #7) .
2. How many marks are on the exam and how are they distributed?
The exam has a total of 130 marks:
Unit 1: Ecosystems- 50 marks
Unit 2: Chemical Processes - 40 marks
Unit 3: Motion - 40 marks
3. What sections of the textbook are covered on the exam?
The Notes & Guided Readings Section has a detailed list of all of the sections covered, including lecture notes that can be used to study from.
4. What is the best way to review for the exam?
Exam review packets were handed out in class to be completed. Study notes for exam review were also provided in class. In addition, use your class notes and any returned materials (assignments, worksheets, etc.) to study from.
5. What should I bring to the exam?
Make sure you have at least 2-3 pencils and an eraser as you will be using a ZipGrade sheet for coding answers. Pen is not recommended as it is both time-consuming and more difficult to erase. Bring a calculator - YOUR calculator! While I have a few spares, I cannot show you how to use one during an exam. A periodic table will be provided for the
NOTE: The use of a Smartphone or any other type of Personal Electronic Device is STRICTLY PROHIBITED during the exam. Any student attempting to access a PED during an exam will have the PED confiscated and be sent directly to the office. This may result in a final mark of ZERO on the exam.
6. Are mathematical equations provided on the exam?
Yes. The general formulas for speed and acceleration are provided, but you will be responsible for knowing how to rearrange them if necessary.
7. When can I leave the exam?
The exam is designed to be finished in 90 minutes. The exam begins promptly at 8:45 am. The earliest you are permitted to leave is 10:15 am, but that is subject to teacher discretion. At 10:45 am, the bell will ring to conclude the exam extension. To allow for universal accommodations, the exam can be extended to 11:45 am. At that time, the exam is considered OVER and all materials must be gathered and handed in to the teacher. I have a brief, but formal checkout process that each student must go through before leaving the exam room. This is to ensure all items have been returned and all sheets filled out properly. Once you have left the room, all work submitted is FINAL.
Study hard, take breaks, and best of luck everyone!
Mr. Jewett
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